Master of the present eye,
While still unseen, I’ve seen you cry.
Dear Master of attentive ear,
The melody you play, I hear.
Dear master of the constant mind,
You have delight in what you leave behind.
O Master of the listening heart,
Pray, do not hear my weeping start.
An elegant hand at rest
in the silken sunlight of an afternoon.
The glamour of a golden ring enchants
While doubt hangs back within the shade.
The waters shimmer bright.
The shadows flicker light.
And stillness dare not breathe to break the spell.
My words to you are nothing new,
They are round and smooth as beach stones.
Feelings wash over my words like water —
Water playing with stones upon the beach
Turns and bumps and smoothes them
While finding its way back to the sea.
Let the English Ivy grow — don’t cut it down.
It hides so much the things we cannot bear.
The mortar holding up our lives will fail some day,
So let what is living cover the decay.
I’ve learned that ivy holds the bricks together
Long after what’s between them falls away.
You won’t be held
So I hold your photograph
The metal frame is cold against my heart.